Friday, January 30, 2015

2015 Week 4: Existential Salad

tom waits and cat
Tom and Tom.

One month down. I've decided to skip the next album on the Tom Waits discography, which would have been the soundtrack to One From the Heart. I'm skipping it because honestly it bored me to tears and I couldn't get past like 4 songs.It would be one thing if I just didn't like it after listening and wrote about that. I didn't like Heartattack and Vine. But this, I couldn't even bring myself to continue to listen to. Plus, since it's a soundtrack and half the songs are actually sung by Crystal Gayle, there's reason not to include it in the overall project. So next up will be Swordfish Trombones, which I expect to have posted on FDRMX soon. Stay tuned.

Shout out to Ryan for bringing Rachel Fannan and Only You to my attention this week. Loving everything I've heard from her so far, be it solo work, with Only You or some of the other collaborations she's done, one of which closes off this week's playlist, so be sure to grab that. Anyway, Only You released a new single this week called "Pressure." Twangy reverb drenched guitar leads the way to fuzz and Siouxsie style drama. Awesome stuff. Listen and explore the rest of her music, it's worth it and you'll be amazed by the range. I hope there's a full album soon.

So this week's playlist is the sort of thing you want to crank up and ponder your place in the world. In a round about way, it's about time and mortality. It's about living in the moment, on the one, and how we are always like Schrodinger's cat. Oh and hey, a new Vaccines single! So ponder, but then move on and live.

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